AppSheet Enterprise Standard Edition (Duet AI) Cannot Access after Purchase

I was wondering if anyone could share words of wisdom as to how I can gain access to Duet AI?


 I bought the AppSheet Enterprise Standard edition because the sales team told me it included Duet AI, which I wanted to use for faster app development and review AI suggestions for app improvement. However, when I tried to access Duet AI through Google Chat, I got a message saying it was only available to some users. I contacted the support and sales teams, but they couldn’t help me. Does anyone know how to get access to Duet AI? Why is AppSheet advertising this feature if it’s not ready yet?  I feel as if I'm getting passed from one support person to the next- no one who is able to give me correct answers.  I see Duet AI in my admin account and it's assigned to me , the user, I have also followed all directions and videos to no avail.  Please assist.

Exact Error Message:  

Apologies, this chat app is only available to some users. To learn more about Duet AI in AppSheet and get access, please review our documentation.

Thanks in advance!!


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Since it seems that Duet AI is integrated into Chat Apps, you must have access to Chat Apps first.  Do you have the feature, Chat apps, available in the AppSheet Editor?

Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 10.17.05 AM.png


Hi WillowMobileSys thank for responding!  Yes, Chat apps is available in the AppSheet Editor, it's also  enable for my organization.  The funny thing is Duet AI is available in Sheets and Docs and works fairly well in both.  However, when it comes to AppSheet it doesn't seem to work well.  I followed the instructions support sent and I still receive the following message:

example 10.20.23.png



I was very excited to begin an app with Duet AI, then got the same message. (Super Admin, and all is enabled / installed, etc.)

Having just chatted w Google, it seems you must join the waiting list. Here is the the URL: 

Can a moderator on here let us in please?   🙂

Did anyone get access after requesting to join waitlist ? 

I am still waiting from yesterday and i see same error message

I still do not have access.  I did join the waitlist two weeks ago, no response as of yet.  I submitted a ticket in addition to joining the waitlist, I haven't received a response as of yet to that either.

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