AppSheet Expression

Hello everyone, I have two files "request" and "price"google sheets. In the "behavior/action" of my AppSheet I want to insert Expression
ANY(Select(Price[Price], AND(IN([Boiler type],Price list[_thisrow].[Boiler]), IN([Required works], Price list[Type of work]), TRUE)))
But it always outputs only the first line, how do I get the corresponding [Price] from the two fields [Boiler] and [Required works]?

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It will always return a single row, because with ANY(), you get only one single item from a list.

ANY() | AppSheet Help Center 

Also, what are these for?

  • Price list[_thisrow].[Boiler]
  • TRUE


THIS was probably a mistake,
I usually work with SQL: SELECT FROM WHERE AND...
But this structure is very different.

I found a solution for my problem
ANY(SELECT(Price[Price],AND(([Boiler] = [_THISROW].[Boiler type]),([Type of work] = [_THISROW].[Required work]))))

thank you, my friend, for drawing my attention to such a subtlety

The guys from GooGle have a very flexible logic, I will have to study a lot to understand this subtle matter

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