AppSheet SumIFS (Excel formula)

Hi all, this has been asked many times but I can't seem to do it

So I have a table where people record the following information:

name (selected from ref to another table) - Labor (selected from another table - Amount of clamshells harvested (#) - hours (#). I need to find the average number of clamshells harvested per hour by each employee and average number of clamshells packed by each employee. 

Screen Shot 2024-02-02 at 9.04.35 AM.png

โ€ƒHere is the formula where I Sumed the total values of clamshells of each person, but dont know how to separate by labor


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0 1 33


just another column avg  with [cosechado por empleado] / [# de horas], no ?

this is a groupby in view on labor and empleado where u see the avg you want.

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