AppSheet now ground to complete stop!

Are there Server Issues today? A bit problematic yesterday, but today taking forever to sync. Any suggestions?

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There have been no reports of AppSheets issues.  I have been building apps, using apps and in the Community all day yesterday and today with no problems.  

You may need to look at the internals of your app.  The first place I would look is at the Performance Analyzer to see what in the Sync is taking the most time and then dig into that item for questionable performance implementations.

Yes, we work closely with the Performance Analyzer and adjust accordingly. Another thing we have have noticed is the workflow emails are taking up to 6 hours to arrive!

I'm facing the same issue here, several apps of mine were working fine earlier and suddenly all of them were unable to sync as usual. They take forever to sync, then another apps face the same issues. 

Tried to contact support for help but still waiting for their response. 

They keep showing

"Connection time out"

"Error 502"

"Unable to load app definition" 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@James_Fussell1 @warren19 

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

@James_Fussell1 @warren19 

I did just run into an issue today.  Changes were not going through on  mobile device.  When I tapped Sync I was directed to re-login to my authentication provider (Google)  apparently I had been logged out?  Maybe due to some updates?  I have never had this issue in past several years.

Maybe this is what is affecting users?  They have been logged out and need to re-authenticate?

Something strange things are going on, although I m not able to identify the root causes.  Some of our client claimed they are asked to authenticate to log in to apps quite frequently.

I remember Appsheet give us option (adim under enterprise plan) to control the length of session. They are not touching anything about it, so the default duration of 90days applied to their account, however, some of their users are asked to auth themselves mostly everyday.

Another AppSheet type of Gremlins?





Default session period should be 90days, but why some users are asked to auth themselves mostly everyday???? ๐Ÿ˜ž

Could those users be logging out of the provider account? - which I believe happens if you logout of the app itself but could also happen independent of the app.

I have dozen of apps open through the App Gallery.  While I only access them periodically, I never logout and have only ever (that I can remember) been asked to re-authenticate when I have switched accounts to test something...that is until today!

No, they never log out from google account as well as appsheet account.

Once just after hours of silent hours, they are cliaming that they re-access to the apps. then being asked to log in.

For me, I never see such a problem on our own, but our clients are having a million of appsheet users, under their enterprise Google Workspace account.

So my own conclution for now, is the integration between google workspace (inc. Google Groups etc) and AppSheet is not perfectly aligned.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Vague issues like this are best reported to Support to increase visibility. I don't think me escalating this would have as much impact because the issue is so sporadic and not readily reproducable.

So, anyone having this problem, please contact AppSheet Support.

Attn @Aleksi @Rob_Just 

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