AppSheet (offline use) - error message: "Network error. Please check connectivity and try again."

Guys, i use AppSheet Core and the settings showed in the image below. In spite of that, app does not open. I tested in offline mode of my smartphone and many other smartphones with android OS. What i need to do to use that resource?




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@Joseph_Seddik Do you have idea how to solve this issue?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The message shown in the screenshot states explicitly what you must do. Did you do it?

That the message occurred suggests someone else may also be editing your app configuration, or that you are editing it from two different browsers. The app configuration can only be edited by one person at a time.

Steve, if the option "The app can start when offline" is checked, why app does not open offline or at airplane mode? I think there is something wrong...

Former Community Member
Not applicable

Hello, I'm an engineer in part responsible for offline launch. Sorry you're having issues.

We're currently working on fixing an issue with iOS, where some APIs changed without a lot of transition time, but it sounds like you're working on Android.

There are some rough edges to offline launch, and the most reliable way to get it working is:

  • Create a shortcut to the app you want to launch offline.
  • Hit the sync button and count to ten.
  • Then kill the app, put it in airplane mode, and see if it launches from the shortcut.

Please let me know if this works.

Thanks, @Former Community Member. I will test and talk you latter.

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