Appsheet Database - Deleting Rows

I'm not sure if I'm just missing something but is it not possible to delete rows directly from the Appsheet Database? I can delete values, and delete columns but I cannot delete a row. I have to actually go into the application, enable deleting and then delete whatever rows I want.

Is there a way around this?

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Try right-selecting a row and then selecting Delete row from the context menu.



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AppSheet Databases is in preview and is not suitable for use in any important app.

Please report AppSheet Database problems here:

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Try right-selecting a row and then selecting Delete row from the context menu.



Weird, when I right click I don't get any of these options at all.
What browser are you using? I'm using Microsoft Edge

[EDIT]: Apologies, seems to have been an extension I forgot I had added on Microsoft Edge, it seems to work now!

maybe you have to select a row first before "right click" to tell AppSheetDatabase,  what row should be deleted ...


i tested it with Microsoft Edge (Version 107.0.1418.26 (Offizielles Build) (64-Bit)) - it works ...




Thank you for verifying, it was my fault. I had an extension installed to enable right-clicking on sites that otherwise disabled it. Appears that it was making the default right-click options show up instead of the options provided by Appsheet.

what context-menue appears, when you make "right-click"?


nice to hear that your problem is solved - maybe you can mark my last reply as "solution" - thanks and happy "AppSheeting"


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