Appsheet Fillable PDF

Hi everyone!

Does anyone know if it is possible to populate a fillable PDF via appsheets automations or using some other workaround such as another app integration? I am aware automations can output customized pdf documents containing the desired fields but the solution i am looking for needs to use a predetermined and specifically formatted PDF. I did try placing the pdf as background within the automation template then overlaying it with data fields but was unsuccessful. If anyone has some tips on how to achieve this, i would highly appreciate your input. 



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@Ranger wrote:

Does anyone know if it is possible to populate a fillable PDF via appsheets automations or using some other workaround such as another app integration?

AppSheet does not provide this capability.  I do believe that Make (formerly Integromat) does support the ability of populating a fillable PDF.  I would imagine Zapier does as well but I am not certain of that at all.

Depending on the layout and complexity of the fillable PDF, in many cases it is possible to use template generation in Appsheet to get very close to the original PDF look and feel.   Usage of template tables is key to controlling the layout format.


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