Appsheet Split Row

I want to split a row in my data into several rows. The action is simply need a button that can copy selected row, and paste it directly below the copied row. Example:

I want to make this


into this


Please if there is any answer or similar recommendation that can accomodate my goal.

Thank you in advance

0 4 226

Could be possible, but is the row always split into two or could it be split into 3, 4, etc.? I think you you should be able to setup an action using 'create a row in another table using values from this row' and just have the target table be the same as the originating table. Then also create a sequence of actions that runs the previous action twice, and then possibly another action that deletes the original row. Or, run the create another row once, and then a second action that updates Qty. Might also want to designate that the action(s) can only run if Qty is even numbered? I would imagine maybe set it up as an inline action or just general that allows to select multiple rows in the table.

Thank you for your answer. I want to ask some questions again

  • I want the row to be able to be split into 2, 3, 4, etc.
  • I want some values to be also mathematically split. (example row with 10 qty. when split into 2 rows become 5 qty each). Is this possible?
  • The new created row is positioned directly below the original row. Is this possible?

Thank you

I'd say it is likely possible, but too many unknowns to be sure. What determines if a single row is split into 2, 3, 4, etc? What determines if a row is to be split 'mathematically' vs otherwise? Is there a sorting/order column that could determine row position?

I think maybe question why this system has to be set up this way because building in this functionality could be rather complicated.

Thank you for replying

I agree, it is rather complicated and is not a mandatory requirement i think.

More importantly, in quickedit feature, can i add new row and the new created row is positioned directly below the original row? Just as when i insert row in google spreadsheet

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