Appsheet automatically adds 2 zeros to the result

Hi everybody,
My Appsheet automatically adds 2 zeros to the result (display). The data part (google sheet) is still normal, the results are displayed correctly. How could I fix this error.

Thank you very much.
Have a nice day.


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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @ninattpq 

Have a look there:



Thanks for your help.

But my problem is Appsheet add 2 zero before the comma. Ex: The first line in pic1 and the last line in pic 4( googlesheet), the correct value is 44,00 (fourty four)    -   but Appsheet show 4.400,00 (4 thousand and 4 hundred). 

I think this is related to your locale.

In US format, "." are considered as decimal ,while "," is a thousand separator.

In FR format, "," are considered as decimal, while "." are considered a numeric error.

Can you check the locale of your spreadsheet and the locale of your table in AppSheet are identical?



I have change the location to US, Vietnam,... but it not working 🙂

Can you confirm you have the same locale settings both on AppSheet and Sheets? 

I ask because of the way the decimals are displayed here:



Nonetheless, I don't get why you have this difference.

I would recommend to contact support here: Contact Us - AppSheet Help


Yes, Appsheet and Sheet have the same location 🙂


I think this error is not due to the setting or anything else. When I enter data, the results initially display correctly. But, after synchronizing the data (about five seconds), the displayed results changed, automatically adding 2 zeros to the results

Hi ninatt,

can you share the two formulas used for the sum() ? 

this is the two formulas used for the sum() 🙂5.png



Olá Nina, como vai você?!
Passei pelo mesmo problema e aqui está minha solução: Você acessará seu banco de dados na planilha do Googlesheet, selecionará a coluna preço total e alterará seu formato para contábil, conforme sugerido na imagem abaixo:


Altere apenas a coluna da soma total, o que resolverá o problema.
Qualquer coisa me chame por aqui.



Dont't know if it helps , I had a similar nighmare recently. In my case I discovered that google sheets changed something to the Paste Only Values  in the last couple of month, but I was still using it as usual without noticing. My pasted values were getting a wrong auto format from google sheets, and even if they looked like normal numbers , they were treated like dates or other formats. In my case , appsheet was reading a numerical values of other formats, changing everything. I had to play a while in google sheets with formats. 

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