Appsheet path pdf files

Hi there,

I'm getting an error when i try to open the pdf file in the appsheet app.

<div>&#39;OCF4.pdf&#39; not found</div>
          <div>Probable cause: N/A</div>
   <div>Path: Root</div>
   <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
   <div>Message: N/A</div>


0 19 364

I assume that you have a file column and you are trying to open the file with an app formula that you have created with a Bot, right?

Thank you for your reply.

I create a bot to generate a .pdf fle from the data that im add to table, but when i try to see the pdf document by cliking in the document icon, open in another tab showing the error...

I already search for this type of error and already try many different ways, but no success..

This error:

       <body style="margin:20px">
          <div>&#39;OCF2.pdf&#39; not found</div>
          <div>Probable cause: N/A</div>
   <div>Path: Root</div>
   <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
   <div>Message: N/A</div>
      <div>Path: Root</div>
      <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
      <div>Message: N/A</div>
         <div>Path: Root</div>
         <div>Result: Success</div>
         <div>Path: Root</div>
         <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
         <div>Message: N/A</div>
            <div>Path: Root</div>
            <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
            <div>Message: N/A, Searching for &#39;OCF2.pdf&#39;, File entry not found</div>

The file is generated and it's in the folder that i configure but the app can't get it...

Also I try to put exacly the file name.pdf and get the same error.

The file existe and is created well, just can't call it in the app...

In which folder your spreadsheet is? And where is your pdf file, in which folder starting from the Root?

@AleksiAlkio is unto something. Your File column value needs to be set to something like this:

"/appsheet/data/YourAppFolder/Files/" & "YourFileName" & ".pdf"

Thank you for your reply

I have this now in my column value:
concatenate("/appsheet/data/AllcostOcorrencias-301956931/RELATORIOS/"& "OCF" & "[_RowNumber]-1" & ".pdf")

But get the error again.

The automation bot is like this to create the pdf:

The app creates the pdf fine and there are all there in the folder, but canot get access...

If the file is in Root > appsheet > data > AllcostOcorrencias-301956931 > Relatorios, and the gSheet is in the app folder AllcostOcorrencias-301956931, you need to start the path from there, like CONCATENATE("/Relatorios/OCF",[_RowNumber]-1,".pdf")

my gSheet is not in the app folder..., it work in the past...

If I change it to my app folder, just need to chang the path in storage configuration in table? All the settings will be fine with this change?

And where is the gSheet?

The gSheet is in the root of the google drive

And all the pdfs are in the Relatorios folder?

yes, I basically changed the name of the Files system folder to REPORTS

If the folder name is changed to "Reports" but your app formula or initial value has written the path name as "Relatorios", the app won't find that file of course.

Btw.. using [_ROWNUMBER]-1 is probably not a good idea. If someone deletes one row from the spreadsheet and then add a new one, it's possible that you have now two rows with the same file name.


If you add a Drive shortcut for the desired folder to the root folder where your gSheet is, you can simplify your filepath to just start directly at "/{folder name}/{file name}"Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 5.49.38โ€ฏPM.png

Do you think that will solve my problem?

The erro that i get is this:

<div>&#39;/AllcostOcorrencias-301956931/RELATORIOS/OI8.pdf&#39; not found</div>
          <div>Probable cause: N/A</div>
   <div>Path: Root</div>
   <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
   <div>Message: N/A</div>

You can see that the path is rigth and also the name, but cant open it...

Try it.



Iโ€™m still the same issue once in a while even though I corrected the file path.  In my case I think I has to do when internet signal is low ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ.

I have another app that works fine and it is like this one, the gsheet is out from the app folder and work perfectcly...

AppSheet is funny like that.

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