Appsheet playing around with my mind : Need guidance

I have 3 tables:

1) Packages
2) Service Bookings
3) Service Details

Basis service details there is a balance days in package populated at service booking level. I want that balance days to be populated at package level also. Hence I created a virtual column in the packages table as balance days & used the formula : Any([Realated Service Booking][Balance Day])

Now the fun fact is appsheet is playing around my mind in some way or the other. It is for some reason showing me the wrong balance days.

Actual balance days is -2 & it is showing me 11 at package level. And when I am editing the package level table it shows -2 but is getting saved as 11.

I am really confused with whats happening. If someone can please help?

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Not sure how your tables are related exactly but one thing for sure is "Any([Realated Service Booking][Balance Day])" returns the value of [Balance] of ANY one of the related service bookings records to that package (most likely the very first row)

So you are not telling the App exactly what you need and instead relying on luck to get the right value.

If SUM of the balance days of the related Service Bookings is what you want, then use "SUM([Realated Service Booking][Balance Day])" for instance.

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Not sure how your tables are related exactly but one thing for sure is "Any([Realated Service Booking][Balance Day])" returns the value of [Balance] of ANY one of the related service bookings records to that package (most likely the very first row)

So you are not telling the App exactly what you need and instead relying on luck to get the right value.

If SUM of the balance days of the related Service Bookings is what you want, then use "SUM([Realated Service Booking][Balance Day])" for instance.

Thank you sir. This helped actually. Grateful for your prompt response!

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