Appsheet "PDf is opening as Html

I am trying to open a PDF in my App that has been created automatically, but when I try to open it, it displays as HTML code.  The strangest thing is that it happens in some modules, not all. I checked and everything seems to be ok.  This is what I got instead of my pdf.

        <body style="margin:20px">
          <div>&#39;Proveedores/CONSORCIO LINEA HOGAR E.I.R.L./OCcad6e360-1512090923I1.pdf&#39; not found</div>
          <div>Probable cause: N/A</div>
   <div>Path: Root</div>
   <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
   <div>Message: N/A</div>
      <div>Path: Root</div>
      <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
      <div>Message: N/A</div>
         <div>Path: Root</div>
         <div>Result: Success</div>
         <div>Path: Root</div>
         <div>Result: FAILURE</div>
         <div>Message: N/A</div>



1 6 1,205

That's a "file not found" error message page, not your PDF opening as HTML. Where is your PDF file stored, and what is the relative path value stored in the record?

Tengo el mismo problema



I was having the same problem.

You need to place your application folder in appsheet\data\

Good luck.

Thanks for the reminder @ClovisR!!! I ran into that issue awhile ago with a previous app and it didn't even cross my mind that my Google Sheet for one of my newer apps wasn't already in the appsheet\data\ folder.

@Jesicam04 I was getting the exact same html instead of pdf as you. Once I put my Google Sheet (database for my app) inside the appsheet\data\ folder in Google Drive, the pdf file opened as expected.

My data / sheet is in a shared Google drive. Paths are relative to the sheet location when created automatically by appsheet but workflow media is created in the default location.... How do we overcome or work around this? I am creating a pdf in a workflow bot but I cannot access it from the App column which is set as type "file"

Change the default app folder to the desired location. Or create a shortcut to the default app folder from the gsheet location.

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