Appsheet shortcuts on iPad don't work well

I have a few apps I'm using on an iPad. I had been using them on my android phone previously so I didn't think this would be an issue as shortcuts work really well on android. I was able to make shortcuts to the two apps but they don't switch well. Meaning if I open one it generally opens the correct app. If I then try to open the other app it will load whatever screen was open last on the previous app and sometimes switches to the correct app after a few seconds but most of the time it doesn't switch over at all. This makes the shortcuts kind of useless. Sometimes the shortcuts just open a white screen that never loads anything but I did read that was a known issue. I might have to just go into the app gallery every time and select the correct app but was hoping someone may have experienced this and found a solution. It is not the newest iPad but it is running 16.4.1

Thank you for any input!

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@Bogeys wrote:

I had been using them on my android phone previously so I didn't think this would be an issue as shortcuts work really well on android. I was able to make shortcuts to the two apps but they don't switch well.

It is great to get your perspective and this comparison.  I only use Apple devices and always thought the app switching was slow and clunky but then since I've never used Android devices I just thought that was the way it was.   

I have never found any way to make things switch smoother and/or quicker.  I am now wondering if it can be made better.  Let's hope so!


I have always had the same issue, no matter the Apple is unfortunate...

Yep, iOS/iPadOS problems, since AppSheet needs to create browser shortcuts that then opens them in the app.
Android on the other hand (I had to switch to an iPhone a couple of months ago) uses App shortcuts, where each app is tied to the main/native AppSheet one, so it opens right away.

Now, in either way, we won't ever have multi tasking between apps because of the nature of AppSheet apps being always wrapped inside the native one

PS: Anyone interested, iOS uses this kind of URL

I was afraid this would be the case. I appreciate the input either way! I imagine it will eventually annoy me enough to buy some android based tablets to use just for these apps.

Random Idea - what if we could make a shortcut to the app gallery? Is that potentially possible?

Sure, try this:

The problem is, it will behave as any other shortcut, it won't be faster or anything

Thank you! You're right it doesn't eliminate the issue totally but it's at least less shortcuts to confuse the end user lol

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