Appsheets web UI is not working properly sometimes

Screen Recording 2023-08-25 at 16.45.49 (2).gif



Any idea why this is happening? This is only happening to the web users. They have updated Chrome browsers.

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It's too hard to tell from the videos what precisely the issue is.  Can you please elaborate?

When users click the edit buttons and tabs, the application works like in the above video. Then, they have to reload the apps from the app gallery, just like in the video to get back to the normal behavior of the application. This happens to every application only for the web view, but not every time.

Sorry this doesn't explain exactly the problem.  So let me see if I can guess...

When the user clicks the edit button they are sent to a view named "Financial Pending Form" but the view is not an editable Form View but rather a Detail View.  Am I close?

I can tell by the edit icon that you have customized the action.  Have you also created a customer action to navigate to the "Financial Pending Form"?   Do they contain conditions to determine WHICH view they go to?

Also, note that each view has a Display Name property.  If you are implementing text in these properties, it is possible that 2 different views are showing the same Display name.

Check any custom actions that navigate to views to be sure they are navigating to your intended view.  Also check the Display names of views to make sure you have the correct Display name for each.

Beyond that we will need to see you action and view implementations to help figure out what might be going on.

Additionally, you may need to unwind any custom implementations until it works then re-implement slowly to see what is happening.

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