Assign a row of data to 2 users

How can I assign a row of data to 2 users other than the google sheet?
example FRANCESCO is assigned row 2, I would like to assign row 2 later also to LUCA but disconnect FRANCESCO.
I already have a security filter that does this but’ everything is very cumbersome.

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I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish but it sounds like application design and not data segregation. Assignment is probably not something you want to control through security filters.

Instead, IMHO, you need a column on the row to indicate who is currently assigned. I would use a Ref column to a table for the possible users that includes a column of the Login Email.

A view can be created to show only the Assigned rows and you can filter them using a slice with something like USEREMAIL() = [Assignment].[Login Email]. USEREMAIL() is the email used to log into the device.

Now you can setup an Action button to change Assignment whenever you want.

Thank you for your interest.
I can do this with a formula in a safety filter.
I have a “usereselect” column
and a “ramp” column where I enter the surnames of the employees

[UserSelect]=”Rampa 1” , LEFT([RAMPA],FIND("/",[RAMPA])-1),
[UserSelect]=”Rampa 2” ,RIGHT([RAMPA],FIND("/",[RAMPA])+1),

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