Assistance with plan and slice option

Dear Team,

Some assistance required.

1. We have an app that captures user name, phone, email address. We want to launch this app for public. And looking for Publisher Pro plan. However, screenshot 1 shows, that app is eligible, but in the other screenshot it it talks about the security feature for settings. We have selected the appropriate settings to suit the Publisher Plan. 

Q - If we are asking for customer name, phone, email address and there is no sign in required to access the features, are we good for the selected plan Publisher Pro.

2. I want to make slice in the app for selected active user and based on their option selected in the app to keep records private, however because we are not using user sign in feature. Is there a way to create a slice based on any data column other than USEREMAIL.


Request for assistance.Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 10.48.33 AM.pngScreen Shot 2022-01-30 at 10.45.28 AM.png



Solved Solved
0 17 381

I guess its working now.


Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 5.08.23 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-01-30 at 5.08.29 PM.png

View solution in original post


2. I want to make slice in the app for selected active user and based on their option selected in the app to keep records private, however because we are not using user sign in feature. Is there a way to create a slice based on any data column other than USEREMAIL.

You are already capturing the user's email address. You can just add it to all the tables you need filtered, and base all your views on slices using the captured email address. 

You can for example start with a view asking the user to enter his email address, and use this value to create the dynamic slices you need for your views. 


Sorry I don't know about the Publisher Pro plan. Others will surely be able to help you better than me. 

I tried using below as you suggested perviously. Row filter condition.

[Sumitted By] = USEREMAIL ()

I believe then this needs modification?


Not this. Since the app does not require sign-in, you wouldn't have a USEREMAIL(). 

The one to use is the [email address] column YOU CAPTURE along with the user name and phone number:

@akshadaks wrote:

1. We have an app that captures user name, phone, email address.


Sorry but I am not sure what you mean. The 'Submitted By' is the field where we are requesting for user to enter their email address. I have attached the scrrenshot of the slice.Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 1.27.59 PM.png

Which syntax should I use? Please assist.


USEREMAIL() returns the value of the email address the user used to sign in. Since your app is public and does not require sign-in, you cannot use this function! Appsheet will not even allow it.

Instead, use the value from the table you talked about here:

@akshadaks wrote:

1. We have an app that captures user name, phone, email address. 


Ok but is the expression then, like this;



any(Filter[Submitted By])=[Submitted By])

? This does not work. ๐Ÿ˜ž

OK. Here's one way to do it:

1. Name one of the available options of User Settings as for example localUserEmail. Set the display value to something like: "Please enter your email address:". Make this column Required.

2. Make your User Settings view as the starting view in the app.

3. Hide all views in your app until the user enters his email address. Use Show if in Display, with the formula: ISNOTBLANK(USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail"))

In all Tables you need filtered:

Use this as the App Formula of the Submitted By column: USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail")

In the Slice:

Use this formula as Row Filter Condition: [Submitted By] = USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail")

Thank you so much for detailed response. I could follow it until step 3. But didn't understand below;


In all Tables you need filtered:

Use this as the App Formula of the Submitted Bycolumn: USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail")

In every Table that you need to be filtered by a slice to show only the records of the specific user, you need to add the column named "Submitted By" to the table. The app formula for this column is: USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail").

In the Slice you are going to create from the table, you will filter using the "Submitted By" column. So the formula for the Row filter condition of the Slice should be: 

[Submitted By] = USERSETTINGS("localUserEmail")


Ok, I tried this and returns nothing. As attached below; but the result is blank in the app (screenshot 2)Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 3.14.51 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-01-30 at 3.17.07 PM.png

Please study the guides I brought you, after that, read my posts carefully one more time.

Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 3.02.26 PM.pngAlso we have additional condition in the app to select option of 'Make Details Public?' Yes/No, as per the attached screenshot. So that in one UX view shows private reports visible of the particular user (active) and on public UX view shows all the reports where users have selected 'Yes' to 'Make Details Public'?

The Shared? option is for something else, and it requires user sign-in so it is not applicable in your public app. 


I have created 2 slices;

1. Where user's public consent is yes

[Submitted By] = USERSETTINGS("Enter Email Address")
[Make Details Public?] = yes

But no records are shown in 'My Reports' UX view

Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 3.25.23 PM.png

2. Where user's public consent is no

[Submitted By] = USERSETTINGS("Enter Email Address")
[Make Details Public?] = no

Please show me all the items in this menu: 

Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-01-30 aฬ€ 03.28.22.png

I guess its working now.


Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 5.08.23 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-01-30 at 5.08.29 PM.png

In your "dimension" have not yet invented the "rules of etiquette"?

Who actually solves the problem?

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