Attachment File Store

Dear Team, 

I have Signed Up with AppSheet with my Organization Email ID, for which the provider is Microsoft 365. But I used Google Drive Sheets as DataSource for the applications. When I create/generate the PDF in the application via automation, the file gets stored in the OneDrive(Microsoft 365). Still, when I capture an image via application, it gets stored in Google Drive. 

Now when the application tries to refer/view the generated PDF, a 404 Error is received since it tries to search the path relative to the location of the spreadsheet. In this case, Google Drive, but actually, the file is stored in the OneDrive(Microsoft 365). 

But it works perfectly when the application tries to refer/view the Image. 

I found a couple of statements while referring AppSheet documentation related to this. 

"If you are specifying an image or document file name in your spreadsheet, the file should be in the same folder location as your spreadsheet."

"It is sometimes easier to organize images in their own folder. For that reason, we allow image file names to be specified relative to the location of the spreadsheet."

"By default, files are saved in the cloud file system associated with the app owner's account. You can explicitly add a file store and use it instead."

So my question is this default behavior of the AppSheet, or am I missing something? If this is how AppSheet works, is there any way that allows the application to store the Generated File in the location specified relative to the location of the spreadsheet? Or is there any way that allows the application to refer to the file stored in other locations, viz., in this case, OneDrive? 

One way I tried is to create one temp Excel with a single sheet having a single column in the OneDrive & added it as a Temp Table in the application. Post that I used VC with below Expression 


  "?appName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("AppName")),
  "&tableName=", ENCODEURL(Temp Table Name),
  "&fileName=", ENCODEURL([image-or-file-column])


Please note I have used tableName as Temp Table And it works. But logically, this is not the right solution.


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Files are stored relative to the worksheet, always, it doesn't matter where the datasource is.
On the other hand, files made through bots are saved on the Default App Folder which is tied to you account by default but can be changed per app

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