Attachment Template

Hi All,

I have an app that tracks items as they are received in our warehouse. Items are added to our app as a complete delivery, and may have between 1 and 24 items in the delivery. I am trying to create a label template that will generate the correct amount of labels based on the number of items of the delivery, and also link them in sequential order.

Basically, I want a label made for item #1 in the delivery, and then Item #2, and so on and so forth.

Im trying to figure out if theres a way to add pages in google docs and duplicate pages based on the number of items in the delivery. 

Let me know if anyone has any ideas. Thanks

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Use a START expression with page breaks in it.


~~template for each record here~~

~~page break~~


I'll look into that. The issue I have is that Each ITEM doesn't have it's own record, only the DELIVERY has it's own record.

I hope you do not have 24 separate columns. If you do, that's a bad setup and you should change it.

If you have an EnumList, that can work if your app/situation is not too complex. You can use some other table that has at least 24 records in it, as the table to iterate on with the START, simply to utilize its _RowNumber as an index value, and reference the EnumList with INDEX( [_THISROW].[enumlist] , [_rownumber]-1 ).

A good setup would be to add a child table.

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