Auto Fill In the Column

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

I want this symbol (`) to auto fill at the front of the column.

Like this see below


0 5 221

You shouldn't need to worry about how the sheet is recording values.   Is there a specific reason?

If you must force the sheet column as Text, you can simply explicitly define the column in the sheet itself as Text rather than its default setting.

Screen Shot 2022-07-23 at 7.25.54 AM.png

Add a quotation mark

I want that if the last ITERM column has a number more than 16, then a (') should be placed in front of the number of that column.


You are trying to force the formatting to text by adding the apostrophe instead of simply formatting the column as text as shown by @WillowMobileSys .

If you follow it, then you wouldn't need the apostrophe as even 16 or more digits will still be text when recorded into the Google Sheet.

  • The last number gets changed. 

Did you set your column as Text? And did you change column format to Text in the sheet itself?

Is that Excel or Google Sheet?

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