Auto Fill

Hi All, is it possible to scan a barcode and have the form auto-fill the item data eg. Code, Description, Brand & Description for a stock count purpose?

If so, how would I go about it?

I have two sheets 1) Item master sheet and 2) Count Sheet (Blank)

Item Master Sheet Column Order (BARCODE, CODE, BRAND, DESCRIPTION)

Count Sheet Column Order (Date(auto), Barcode, Code, Description, Brand, Qty)

Barcode (Scanning Manually)

Code (Auto-Fill)

Description (Auto-Fill)

Brand (Auto-Fill)

Qty (Manual)

0 1 79

Yes.  Once you have scanned, you would use the code to lookup the item in your Item Master Sheet.  Then you simply use that item to pre-populate the Initial Value of the columns you have specified need to be auto-filled.

To accomplish this I recommend adding to the Count Sheet an Item column set a REF type to your Item Master Sheet.  Set the Initial Value of this Item column with an expression like (you may need to tweak for your use case):

ANY(SELECT(Item Master Sheet[Item Key Column], [Barcode] = [_THISROW].[Barcode]))

NOTE:  If you are using the Barcode as the Item Key Column, I would NOT recommend doing so.  Barcodes may need to change for various reasons.

For each of the "auto-fill" columns you can use the above described Item REF column in the Initial Value property like so:

  • For Code column -> [Item].[Code]
  • For Description column -> [Item].[Description]
  • For Brand column -> [Item].[Brand]

You can find out more about how to use the Initial Value property setting below:


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