Autofill column in parent table with data from child table without opening/editing the Parent Row


Just as described in the subject. When i create new child records, i have a column in the parent record that totals some data. However this parent coloumn stays blank untill i edit that specific row......any way of fixing this?

Thanks in advance.

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The easy way is to use a virtual column to calculate the totals. 


Thanks, ive done this and you are correct, it works....however i need to update a non-virtual column with that data also (so the data can be sent be sent as a file) . ......without opening and editing the row manually. Is this possible? What would be the most efficient way of doing this?

Please try reference actions. Reference actions update values in single/ multiple rows of a table when triggered from another table. The sample app referenced below from the article  Get started by using the feature samples - AppSheet Help  changes the values of child table rows when action is created on the parent table rows but you can create reference actions the other way round as well. 

The sample app is here. Please read the description of the app at the option "Information / App Documentation / Purpose and Design details" to understand the how reference actions work.

Reference Actions - AppSheet



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