Autofill form data based on previous form entry

I have a app that I am using to check in various inventory types. The first field is for serial number, something like this "KVB0041Z54112" The "KVB0041" portion of the serial number is unique to each model of product. When the serial number is put in by the user is there anyway to have it select the appropriate model in the form from a ref list?

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Can the LOOKUP() find data in a form?

I don't quite know what you mean by that question.

The serial number I want to use to pull up the information is in a text entry on the same page of the form.


I guess I am mission something, how do you reference it before its added to the table?

The same way you reference a column value any other way, enclose the column name in square brackets, i.e.: [column]

Sounds like maybe you need to start with the basics:

Expressions: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

Sorry about that, I think my confusion came from not realizing you could reference the data before it was added to the table.

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