Automatic renaming of entries in a column that is a reference (Ref) to another column, upon changes

Let's assume that we have a table called "TableA" with a single column called "ColX". The user provides three entries in ColX of TableA; let's assume that the three values are: "Alex", "Bob" and "Peter".

Let's further assume that there is another table called "TableB" with a single column called "ColY". The data type of ColY is a reference (Ref) to TableA (i.e. TableA is the source table for ColY) and a valid-if expression "=TableA[ColX]" for Col Y enforces that the only possible values which the user can select for ColY are these previously entered in ColX. The user makes an entry in ColY of TableB and let's assume that he/she selected the value "Peter".

Now, let's assume that the user goes back to TableA and renames the value "Peter" to "PETER".

Is there a way to automatically update the entries of ColY according to the renaming that occurred in ColX? In this example, the expected behaviour would be that "Peter" automatically changes to "PETER" in ColY without the user having to manually rename it.

Is this possible in AppSheet and if yes, what is the process to be followed?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Key column values cannot change at all after the row has been saved the first time. For this reason, you should not use values that may change--such as names, email addresses, or phone numbers--as key column values. Better to use a "data-less key": a key value entirely independent from any other data.

To add to @Steve ‘s excellent reply - having had a major problem with another app - I strongly urge you not to be tempted to use the email column, if you have one, as the key. This is recommended in multiple places on AppSheet tutorials, and is an awful idea. People change emails regularly and then, you’re screwed. Perhaps doesn’t apply to you, but heading off a big potential nightmare down the road if it does. Good luck!

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