Automatically create a new entry based on the next date selected in Appointment

I am working on an app for doctors to track their appointments, but as we know that doctors often give a new date for appointment. So, I am working on creating an appointment system where the doctor can input previous date and next date apart from the normal fields and based on these inputs, entries are automatically created for these dates for the patient.

  • So, for example - if the doctor created an appointment for today for the patient. After the patient visit is done, the doctor tells them to visit after 10 days. So, he can just edit the appointment and add Next Date as Today()+10 and the new entry will automatically be shown in the calendar 

@Marc_Dillon @Suvrutt_Gurjar @WillowMobileSys @dbaum @Joseph_Seddik 

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Sounds like you have a plan.  Did you have a question?

This is just the idea which I came up with but don't know how to implement this idea vai AppSheet.

How to generate new entry in the calendar based on the Next Date Selected. Need your help on that.

I have added columns Next Date and user can add entry to it, but how to generate new entry as soon as the edited entry is saved, need help on that

Hi @dbaum,
Thank you very much, using the link you gave, I was able to quickly figure it out.

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