Automatically fill empty values

Hi everybody,

since in the Detail view all the blank fields are not visible, I need a way to automatically fill those fields that results empty: the user can check the field done/not done but also fill it with a message. I want to be sure they do not leave the field empty by error.

I have several columns (up to 30) and they could change through the time so I need something that could be scalable, the question is: Is there a way to automate this action once for all the columns?

Thank you

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If you set this view option as ON and you write for example TRUE to your column's Show_If option, it shows the column's header on the detail view even it's a blank. Would that be enough in your case?



View solution in original post


If you set this view option as ON and you write for example TRUE to your column's Show_If option, it shows the column's header on the detail view even it's a blank. Would that be enough in your case?



Oh! thank you very much!! The solution at my problem ๐Ÿ™‚

You're welcome!

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