Automatically select item dependent dropdwon

Hello all! 

I have 2 tables: engineer and technical manager. 
These 2 tables are linked each other with tha ref column. 
And, inside a third table, I have an engineer and a technial manager that need to be selected to create an object for this third table. 

How can I automatically select the element Technical Manager once the enginner is selected ? (of course if only 1 technical manager is present for the selected engineer)

For the moment, I have this expression inside the column Technical Manager of the third table: 

IN( [_THIS], SELECT(TechnicalManager[EmailTechnicalManager], [_THISROW].[Engineer].[TechnicalManager] = [EmailTechnicalManager]))

it works, only the linked manager is shown, but I need to click in order to select it.. I would like to avoid this. 

Do you know if it is possible? 

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Actually, I've added the following expression inside the "inital value": 

ANY(SELECT(TechnicalManager[EmailTechnicalManager], [_THISROW].[Engineer].[TechnicalManager] = [EmailTechnicalManager]))

I don't like the ANY part.. 

Can ew in somehow say that the relation is 1-N (1 manager for several engineers) ? 
In this way, I can avoid the ANY part.. 


Inside the Engineer Table you can have one Column [Supervisor] of Type Ref with Reference to the supervisor table. Then you can easily get the associated supervisor of an engineer using the dereference expression 




Edit: I think the post was reframed after my reply. Anyways have you tried the dereference expression. It may be modified as per your need. 

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