Automatically update value based on input from another table.

Hi everyone

I built an app of an inventory system for TV & Cinema equipment. Each equipment have serial number. Also, we have a table of Orders, where we can pick the equipment, and set that those equipment went out for a new project or location in determinated days.

The tables are: the columns are some in English to get easy to understand, but my app is in Spanish.

-Products (Serial Number / Product Brand and Model / Status / Project and Location (by ref to table 'Project and Locations') / Price, and etc.)

Project and Locations ( ID / Name / Technical Chief / Head Producer / Phone)

Orders (Order Id / Order Status / Name (by ref to table 'Project and Locations')/ Start Date / Finish Date / VC Related Order Details / VC Order Total

Order Details  (Order Detail ID / Order ID (ref to table 'Orders') / Serial Number (by ref to table 'Products') / VC Project (formula "[Order ID].[Name]"

Im trying to update the column "Project and Locations" of my table Products when a determinated equipment is added to a new order.

I already tried to copy the formulas of Aleksi's app 'Update Parent'. I think that is the solution, but i cant figure it out.

Here is some screens of the actions that i created, can you help me whit this?

Captura de Pantalla 2022-09-22 a la(s) 14.47.51.pngCaptura de Pantalla 2022-09-22 a la(s) 14.48.09.pngCaptura de Pantalla 2022-09-22 a la(s) 14.48.19.pngCaptura de Pantalla 2022-09-22 a la(s) 14.48.26.png


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You can create a Bot to call the Action Bots: The Essentials - AppSheet Help



View solution in original post

Yes, you can make a separate BOT with that condition or create a branch condition in the existing BOT to check if status is completed. 

View solution in original post


Hi jyothis_m

thanks for your reply! I know that this is the way, but it isn't working in my app.

In the action "Trigger Products Proyecto", i have the expression : 

Filter("Products",[Proyecto Ubicaciones]=[_ThisRow].[Nombre])

whit the referenced action "Update Product" and the input: Value = [Nombre]

'Proyecto Ubicaciones' (table Products) column is the one that i want to update automatically by the value of column 'Nombre' of table 'Orders'.  Both columns are referenced by another table called 'Proyectos Ubicaciones'. 

Then, in the action 'Update Product' i have the expression: 

Set these columns: 'Proyecto Ubicaciones' = INPUT("value", "0").

Its anything wrong ? Or im doing something wrong.. 



I have figure it out my mistake. I switch the table Orders to Order Details and its working.

But now, i cant get the action to work automatically. Only works if i put the action display in overlay or prominently and push de button. How to solve this?

You can create a Bot to call the Action Bots: The Essentials - AppSheet Help



Works!! Thanks a lot!

Now i have a little request.

If i want to set an unique value such as "Pañol" in the same column that i was trying to modify when i create a new order , when the order is complete, finished, how can i do that? I think reverse the action but idk how to.

I have to put a condition in a new bot, like this: Condition: [Order Id].[Order Status] = "Complete". ?


Yes, you can make a separate BOT with that condition or create a branch condition in the existing BOT to check if status is completed. 

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