Automating Based On Previous Selection

Hi All 👋,

I am having an issue with one of my column's.

I want a user to be able to only be able to see a set number of values upon selection of one of the other column's.  Both column's are in the same table.


Name They Select James.

They should only see James is Date Of Birth e.t.c.


How would i do this in AppSheet Formula


Thanks 😊

0 8 151


In the image above i set up a ENum i want if the user selects owner they will only be presented with the first 3 values 



So you're going to need to use a Suggested Values formula rather than the hard-coded list you have as the moment

Hello Simon,

Thank you for the reply so will i need to use suggested values for the second list based on the first value selected. Because i need the first list to be hard-coded.


Yes thats right.  The suggested values will be a Select() function that will look at the first value then present a list dependant on that.

Hey Simon,

I am new to appsheet so where do i set the select function is it on auto compute and is the data type going to be list?


It goes in the Suggested Values section

Hi All,

For example if i had a data type which is an enum and is called sports and i had a list of sports e.g. Running , Basketball , Tennis Swimming.

Then i had another list of a set of sub categories on each sport e.g. 100 m relay , 100m sprit, long distance , basketball dribbling , basketball shooting , tennis 1 to 1 , tennis 20 minutes.

I want when a user selects basketball only the basketball exercise/categories to come up not the other values.

Please can anybody help 


This is called a dependent dropdown.  You will need to have a separate table with both the columns [Sports] and [Categories].

See this example table for a Helpdesk application


You will then use the Valid_if expression on each of the dropdowns.
Dropdown 1:   TheNewTable[Category]
Dropdwon 2:  TheNewTable[SubCategory]
Dropdown 3: TheNewTable[SPECIFIC ISSUE]

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