Automation Email - Send a report on all g sheet rows

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Hi everyone,

I am creating an app to ensure a follow_up during works between architecte, customer and craftsmens

I'd like to send every single week a report after the site meeting creating an e-mail sent to all the stakeholders but not only on one single rows but on all the rows on my underlying gsheet.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-19 à 12.21.12.png

So far what I have seen is that : I can send emails for one single row or I can trigger an App Script which will do the job, but I was wondering if I can do it directly on App Sheet.

Thanks for your answers

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Please take a look at the following articles to get ideas on using <<START>> expressions in templates that help you to include multiple rows.

Use Start expressions in templates - AppSheet Help

Sample email templates - AppSheet Help

For scheduled reports

Events: The Essentials - AppSheet Help



View solution in original post


Please take a look at the following articles to get ideas on using <<START>> expressions in templates that help you to include multiple rows.

Use Start expressions in templates - AppSheet Help

Sample email templates - AppSheet Help

For scheduled reports

Events: The Essentials - AppSheet Help



Underlying G Sheet

Hi Suvrutt,

I have read carefully the answers and the following instructions, but I didn't get where I should put theses formulas. Into the custom template in my e-mail ? cf below

Thanks for your answer. 

An entire table

The simplest Start expression is the name of a table and its key column:

<<Start:Orders[Order Id]>>

This form of Start expressions is typically only meaningful as the top-level Start expression in a scheduled bot

Capture d’écran 2022-07-19 à 17.40.37.png

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

This is the same issue as the one you've just commented "

blank email template fields in start expression"
I'll try to have a look to your solution posted earlier and if not I will write again on this loop


You can have it in email body. But then all the records will appear in the email body.

Alternately, you could have a report template and create a PDF file as an attachment to email. 

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Alternately, you could have a report template and create a PDF file as an attachment to email. 

That's exactly what I'd like to do, how can I make it happen ? Thanks 


Please take a look at this sample app. There are some reports with attachment template.

Order Capture How-to



Thanks for the fyi, not sure this example will help me in my work as there is no automation/bot or neither some emails send with PDF attached with variables base on all rows of a specific sheet...

You will of course need to combine some reading and sample apps. Exact match may not be available as sample. Shared the app so that you are aware how to use attachments, since you had shared email body screenshots.. Help articles can help with creating  <<START>> expressions for multiple rows. Also if you look at the sample app's templates there are <<START>> expression for children tables. 🙂

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Thanks Suvrutt for your help


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