Automation - Pass Variables to Xls Template

Hi there,  wondering if anyone has ideas on this.

I am generating a monthly excel report for each employee . The report contains all classes that employee has taught, along with relevant data for those classes. The reports are emailed to each employee individually at the end of the month. I use a slice called "All Classes This Month" to get all data for the month, and then in the template, am using a filter to retrieve classes taught by only that employee - filter below.



<<Start: Filter(All Classes this Month, [Email]>>...<<End>>



 The challenge is that I then need a unique template for each employee. The templates contain pivot tables and styling so anytime there is a change, the template for each employee with need being updated, and separate automation created for each of them.

Is there away to pass variable through to the template to avoid at least the creation of multiple templates. Or perhaps other ideas?


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