Automation vs Behavior


I'm  running into an issue that I just can't seem to figure out.

I have created a behavior that updates a table perfectly - I have attached it to a text field and by clicking the text field it fires it off and does what its suppose to do.  However when i take that behavior and put it in automation I get different results.  

This is how the data looks when the behavior is fired by the text line on my page.




130012631ed602Rubber Company, Inc631ed60250,20,101,1,150,20,10

And this is what it looks like when I run it inside an Automation BOT


This fires when "Yes" is selected. The BOT is triggered when the yes/no is triggered to TRUE

130204631ed602Rubber Company, Inc631ed60250 , 20 , 101 , 1 , 150 , 20 , 10
130204631ed602Rubber Company, Inc631ed60250 , 20 , 101 , 1 , 150 , 20 , 10
130204631ed602Rubber Company, Inc631ed60250 , 20 , 101 , 1 , 150 , 20 , 10

I get three record back, Not 1 and the spacing is different in cells 5 and 6.  I'll be more than happy to share any of my code and screen shots.

I hope this is enough information to get started. 

Any one that might have a clue as to why this might be happening? 


1 13 158
13 REPLIES 13 

Looks like this issue. Do you have any actions that update same row on save/update ? I have reported to support and they are looking into the issues. These days I am confused if its my mistake or if its bug in AppSheet. 

Thanks for getting back to me.  

I'm working with 3 tables in this process.

First step is to update the (y/n) field on the main record. (Table 1)

Once that is completed the BOT reads it and the action takes place between 2 different tables.

Table 2 = holds separate records for each line item to be invoiced 

Table 3 = is the results table after the records are rolled up into a format required for Quick Books. 

I've tried several variations of select statements and settled on REF_ROW and the results are the same as explained above.  I just find it very strange that the same process being executed in 2 different methods is giving 2 different results, although its the same "Behavior" . 

When you test the bot do you see any errors ?

No errors at all

Try executing a task from test screen to see errors. Dont test entire bot.

I don't see a task for this BOT

[image: image.png]


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I don't see a Task Associated with this Bot




you can trigger the action from here

Same Results,  

Here is the structure and what i have in place:

First the Behavior





This process attached to a text line works fine....


Triggered by clicking on Yes





Hope this helps.....




It should work if it work directly as an action. I donโ€™t see any issue. Maybe someone from community could see if there is any issues in above setup. I have a similar setup that doesnโ€™t work.

Thank you for taking a look, very much appreciated.

How do we get this to the community for a glance over

Past few days automation was behaving differently. Maybe some updates in past few weeks could have effected this. Some scenarios the automation behaves completely different these days.

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