BIG BUG - APSHEET does not work on IOS > Error 500: An error has occurred

Depois de lutar por semanas, temos a evidรชncia de que o Appsheet nรฃo funciona com o IOS. Ao tentar gravar imagens, a API do Appsheet falha ao a extensรฃo para .jpg e gera um Erro 500: Ocorreu um erro

Depois de meses de trabalho, nรฃo participou mostrar o produto acabado e contato com os profissionais do Google nรฃo deu em nada.

Em resposta ao Erro 500: Ocorreu um erro, eles disseram para fazer uma versรฃo hรญbrida que chama IOS.


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Translated text:

After fighting for weeks, we have evidence that the Appsheet does not work with the IOS. When trying to save images, 
the Appsheet API is missing the extension for .jpg and will generate an Error 500: There is an error After months of work, I did not participate in showing the finished product and contacting the professionals of Google did not give me anything. In response to Error 500: There was an error, they designed to make a hybrid version that calls IOS. SOMEONE HAS PASSED THROUGH ISSO?

It would be helpful if you could include screenshots of the error messages you are seeing.   Also, any specifics of what you are trying to do, how you are using the API - including how the JPG image is being produced, stored and referenced in the API.



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This is not an AppSheet app.  The UI looks nothing like your images.

the attached images are from a page that, through the appsheet API, writes to the database.

there is only way to show the error through videos, but here there is no way to put videos.



So to make sure I understand...You are using AppSheet API to send data to some database.  Then you have a web page from a different software tool that reads the information from that database and displays in the web page.

The problem is that you cannot get images to appear when submitting them from an iOS device.   Do I have that right?

A few things to understand:

1)  Many times an iOS device defaults to an image type of HEIC.  It is a superior image format but not many platforms support it yet.  You need to make sure the iOS device image settings are set to "most compatible".

2)  When an image is saved, the resulting file is uploaded to cloud storage. Software tools access the file through URL's.  AppSheet by default uses relative pathing - meaning the image is stored in some folder INSIDE of the app folder structure and then only the part of the path from the app "root" location is saved in the appsheet tables. 

3) The AppSheet image relative path is useless to other software tools.  Those other software tools need the full URL description.  This means when sending by API, you will likely need to construct the URL path to send.

4)  As an FYI, you can host and interact with an AppSheet view inside of a iFrame web construct.  If this is an option for you, it would eliminate the need to submit data to a database and then build a web page to display those details.  Here is an article that may help if you are interested:



Considering all of the above, to try to resolve the issue, the first thing to do is confirm that the correct URL is being saved to the database.  I would copy it, post it into a browser and see if the image is displayed.  If it does, then there is an issue with your web page unrelated to AppSheet.

If the URL is incorrect, then you need to determine what IS the correct URL and the figure out how to get that constructed in AppSheet and passed to the database through the API call.

I can't provide more specifics without concrete details contributing to the problem.

I hope this helps!

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