BUG - App not seeing several columns in Source Data

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

For some reason my Main input form is no longer seeing several columns in the source file of my APP. I have not changed any thing in the source file at all. Seems to have started after I tried to make a copy of my APP for testing. The copy process failed and now my original version of the APP input form no longer sees these columns. Although they are listed in the columns view

I tried to regenerate the structure but that didnt fix it. I did run the view data report and the columns are there but only the header is correct, all of the entries show _PII_. However when I open the source data all is correct. I do have older versions of the APP and all of the input forms fail to show These columns.

Data report shows:


Actual Source Data shows:



Not sure what to do.



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PII means "Personally Identifiable Information".  There is a setting in each column to set it as PII or Sensitive Data.  When this setting is ON, anywhere that displays the data , other than the app UI, will replace the data value with the "_PII_" text.

When you copied, the columns were likely automatically set as PII.  Simply turn the Sensitive Data setting off and you will see the details again.

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 5.38.51 PM.png

Sensitive Data is disabled for all columns

Looks like when Data Validity is removed the column is visible on the form. Interesting because  the data validity has been set for a while now with no issues. I use the valid if for my drop down dependency.  So now that is non functional.

Any Ideas?

Did you change to a different problem?  Are you all set with the "PII" showing in the data view?

When Valid If is implemented to provide a List for a dropdown, that field will NOT display in a Form IF the expression returns NO items to be selected.  


Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Still fighting this one. I was able to fix the data view by deleting those columns in the Source Data and re-entering them back in.

Nothing has changed in the app, however I was trying to copy it to save as working version. I received an error that the copy failed, after that there were new 2 copies in my app list? that is when the columns disappeared in the form. I verified the source data and all is intact. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Same problem, Form will not see the column in preview if a valid if is present.

Most probably, the expression in your Valid If is returning an empty list.  The column will not appear in the Form if that is the case. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I checked the formula =  Source_Data[Campus] and the "Campus" column exists in the Source_Data Tab of the excel file.

So I renamed the column to CampusDelete and created a new "Campus" column , clicked regenerate structure and no dice. Column will not delete. Checked my setting and I am set to Add/Remove/Delete


@DAD wrote:

So I renamed the column to CampusDelete and created a new "Campus" column , clicked regenerate structure and no dice. Column will not delete. Checked my setting and I am set to Add/Remove/Delete

That's not quite how the table/column relationships between the datasources and AppSheet works.  If you have a column in your datasource it will be represented as a column in the AppSheet table.  To remove the column from the AppSheet table you will need to physically remove the column from your datasource and then regenerate in AppSheet.

For your other issues, I have been trying to help without seeing details.  It is a risk as we may end up referring to things differently but THINK we are talking about the same thing. 

It would be best if you could present screenshots from related app items of your issues so we can physically see how you have things implemented and defined in order to give you the best advice.


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