BUG: Failed App copies cannot be Deleted?

I attempted to copy an app from another App Creator.  It initially failed.  I then copied the app and data only - excluded files/images content - and the copy succeeded but as a different app copy version.

I now have an entry in My Apps list for the failed version of the app and it seems there is no way to remove it.  See image below.  Deleting the app folders does not help.

Does anyone know if there is some special way to remove this failed app copy?


Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 7.53.59 PM.png

0 4 312

Same.. and its create a lot of gsheet copy(Users) while attempting to retry. 



Just in case it helps. Yesterday I also encountered this situation for the first time. The copied app with the red encircled warning that cannot be deleted.

However if you open this app, it allows and flags message something like "retry copying or something". When I did that the app was successfully copied. Since this happened very quickly, I am unable to mention exact sequence or exact message(s) that were displayed.

But main point to share is , I was able to (on second or third attempt) successfully copy the app that displayed the warning and initially I also thought is has got stuck ( not able to delete , not able to edit). 

Edit: After carefully seeing the image shared by @WillowMobileSys , I believe if you try the option "retry cloning", it does the job. I believe I tried that option.

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

Edit: After carefully seeing the image shared by @WillowMobileSys , I believe if you try the option "retry cloning", it does the job. I believe I tried that option.


Actually I did re-try cloning, 3 additional times.  I think the problem was that there were too many files to clone, resulting in the failed copy attempts.  Obviously, some fix is required.  Either allow the large number of files to copy or at the very least provide a message of WHY it failed.

AS I mentioned, after attempting a NEW copy and unchecking the "copy files" option.  The copy worked.

But none of that is the point.  I now have an app definition from a failed copy and want to delete it but have no Delete option to do so.   This is a flaw in the My Apps screen, in my opinion.  These should be no reason why I can't also delete this "bad" app definition.


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

 This is a flaw in the My Apps screen, in my opinion.

I totally agree with you. Once the app is in that "hanging" state, the way forward is not intuitive.

Incidentally just like you, in my case also the app I was copying was very large with many tables. But in my case the "retry cloning" option worked on an app in the "hanging" state.

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