BUG: Need your input - Table Regeneration makes all columns NOT Editable

UPDATED:  NEED your input...

If you use a database please respond...... Do you experience the issue highlighted in the title...i.e. does the editable property on the AppSheet table column become unchecked when you regenerate a table?  What database are you using?

We just discovered an issue yesterday (2/26/2024) where a PARENT Ref column became unchecked after regeneration and was missed in the cleanup afterwards - i.e. the Parent Ref column was not editable.  After deploying and when adding child rows, no errors were presented.  The child rows were added but without a PARENT reference. This caused the child rows to be orphaned and we have no way to clearly identify which Parent row the child belongs to.

These child rows were crtitical information for adjustments needed to Payroll.  Luckily it has only been a week but we have to resort to getting the information from the users based on their memory of the moment.  

NOTE:  A couple tickets have been opened to AppSheet as we have been dealing with this for several months now.

This is a second time I have posted this and just need to know if anyone else is experiencing this problem.  Are you experiencing the below issue?

We are using Big Query database in a few apps.  There are approx 30 tables some with near 50 columns.  

Whenever we regenerate a Table, the Editable property on MOST columns gets unchecked and we have to carefully go through each table to the the setting back to an Editable state. 

I said "carefully", because some columns have been marked as NOT EDITABLE and we need to make sure they stay as not editable.

I say "MOST" because columns with App Formulas are not affected.

Our REAL issue....

We have experienced some puzzling problems in our apps -  EnumLists not working correctly,  getting "Invalid Sync Token" errors - and it seems a simple regeneration of the tables fixes these issues.   So we have decided to just simply regenerate ALL tables and re-deploy the app to make sure it is in its best state.

This process of regeneration is already slow enough since we have to wait for refresh and a resync between each regeneration.

But now that we ALSO have to reset the Editable property back to its original state on each column, this process takes 3 times as long.  Regenerating ALL tables is going to take 2-3 days to complete on all the apps.  Ridiculous!!!

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Please file a bug ticket as this is not a normal behavior.

A couple tickets have been opened a couple months apart.  This has now grown to a bigger problem as a mistake was made during the manaul claeanup of this mess that affect Payroll information.

I think I experienced a similar problem with editable setting, but I don't know if it is the same underlying issue. I did a CSV upload action that continually failed and the error kept saying that the field could not be edited even though it was set to allow edits. This was in GSheets if I recall correctly within the last 3 weeks. Ultimately I got it resolved, but it wasn't obvious how or why.

I started swapping data to Appsheet Database and had not had the same error, but since I am still building the table data I have had to regenerate datasources quiet a bit and I am very annoyed at the fact that Appsheet keeps resetting certain 'Allowable values' within the app structure and also keeps adding a [_ComputedName] virtual column. Could be related in some way, but certainly not the functionality I was expecting.

I am also experiencing the same issue while using BigQuery. After regenerating a table, the editable properties become unchecked, but those with editable? formulas remain intact.
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