Barcode scanner auto-fill


How do I make information like item code, item name auto-fill by barcode scanning? if there is a way to do it please let me know the steps


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There are 2 common ways:

1) If the barcode is a row key ( in your lookup table, you can set your [Scanned Barcode] column as type of Ref with the source table being that where the barcode lives.  When you scan a valid barcode, you can get access to all of the other columns fro the lookup table using "dot" notation.  Something like:

[Scanned Barcode].[Item Code]

[Scanned Barcode].[Item Name]

[Scanned Barcode].[Other column]

2)  You can use a LOOKUP() function.  It might be:

LOOKUP([_THISROW].[Scanned Barcode], "Lookup Table", "Column Name to Match", "Item Code")

"Lookup Table" is the YOUR table name where the barcode can be found.  "Column Name to Match" is the actual name of the barcode column in that lookup table.

Click here for more details on LOOKUP()

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