Barcode scanner

I am new to this and trying this out for our company. I created an inventory app. I have a product page, an inventory page and a sales page. I have a barcode column in all three. I have the inventory and sales columns referenced to the product page. The barcode shows up on the product page but when I go to scan in inventory or sales the barcode isn't there. There are only images of the products to choose from. I have no idea what I did or what happened. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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@Service wrote:

 The barcode shows up on the product page but when I go to scan in inventory or sales the barcode isn't there. 

I am not quite sure what you mean by this.  

So barcode is associated with the Product.  If you have Barcode columns in both the Inventory and Sales tables, the value must be copied there to those columns and those columns need to set as "Scannable" - one of the settings at the bottom of each column.

If you wish to have the Barcode from the Product table automatically appear in Inventory and Sales for lookup, then you would want to surface the Barcode value through the Product reference.  The best way to do that is using a Virtual column, settings its formula to [Product Ref Column].[Barcode Column Name] then setting this Virtual Column to be "Scannable".  You cannot set the value of the Product Barcode this way BUT you can perform a lookup to find the Inventory or Sales record(s) that are associated with the Product.



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