Bot doubled a new rows

Hi there. We had some problem with appsheet bot's. Our bot should adding new rows when itself fields are filled. We event for add only and two steps: making row1 and row2 in other table. Also the same logic for bot which should make 3 rows from one. But when we create a row bot made 4 row and 6 row as well. We have found a solution but i think it's weird. We just added some filter in event formula. That filter formula is
Operations[Movement operation],
[_THISROW].[Row ID] = [Movement operation]
) = 0,
The same for another bot. There are more faithful solution for that problem?

0 3 81

Any chance this Bot option is set as ON and it trigger's it twice? 



It doubled without this option, but we need this for trigger sending data to pub/sub for now this option is enabled. Anyway with formula above everything works fine, but if possible would be nice to find out cause

Investigate it first via Audit history if it could give you some ideas what's happening on the background. If that option is OFF, and the condition is blank, you could probably see it.

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