Bot is triggered as "All changes" to a table, But not working when updating the spreadsheet itself


I set a bot to be triggered when any changes happened at a specific table, it is working fine when adding data from the app form. However, it is not working if i updated the spreadsheet directly from google sheets.

is their any way to trigger that when spreadsheet updated?

Thank you

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Hello @Hani_Ibrahim, there are additional steps to take if you need your bots to detect changes in the spreadsheet, you can read more about those here:

By default bots don't trigger on spreadsheet changes because those are not synced to the appsheet server, so bots have no way of knowing a change was actually made, unless you prepare your sheet for handling "external eventing".

View solution in original post


Hello @Hani_Ibrahim, there are additional steps to take if you need your bots to detect changes in the spreadsheet, you can read more about those here:

By default bots don't trigger on spreadsheet changes because those are not synced to the appsheet server, so bots have no way of knowing a change was actually made, unless you prepare your sheet for handling "external eventing".

Hi, thanks for your tip.

It works great but it doesn't.

I have a sheet that gets filled through API (on this one the bot does not trigger)

I have created an identical dummy one, and on this ones works great.

I have typed in and copy-paste the new rows in both, yet still one works and the other doesn't.

both sheets have the appsheet events activated

Any ideas why?

 @Rafael_ANEIC-PY , it is helpful topic, Thank you. However the trigger is not adding to the same sheet. the trigger is:

if any changes occurred to a certain table, then calculate and add data to another table.

However the link was great

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