Bot not triggering on change

Your guidance please.  After a frustrating few hours I admit defeat and turn to the community for help.

Table 1 logs a request and writes the request to Table 2.
Table 2 automatically sends the request to an external API and receives the response.
Table 2 should automatically pass the response (Pass / Fail) back to the requesting row in Table 1.
I am trying to achieve this with Bots/automations.
Everything works well EXCEPT I can not get Table 2 to pass the API response back to Table 1.
Both tables have [member_id] as a common key.

I hit a wall when trying to trigger passing the response back from Table 2 to Table 1.  My BOT doesn't trigger on the API response update in Table 2. The Audit Log doesn't show any activity.

Advice welcome on either fixing the current approach, or adopting a different way of handling this.

In the screenshots:
adminTask is Table 2, API response is in [executionStatus].
OSM_DATA_TRACKER is Table 1, request status is in [jtaAction_status].






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 So it's probably that appsheet cannot 'see' any data that gets written by anything else to the speadsheet.  One way to get around this might be to have a bot run on an hourly schedule checking for data where the data is in table 2 but has not been written to table 1 yet.

OK... that makes sense.  So we see it as the external API triggers fine, because it's the AppScript monitoring for an update.  The AppSheet automation is waiting on an AppSheet initiated action ... so never fires when the AppScript updates the status.  Good thinking.

I'd rather the status was reflected back to Table 1 in near-realtime.  Maybe there is an automation process in Table 1 that waits for 30 seconds after writing the request and then checks the status in Table 2... looping until it gets a response or timeout.

Will need to ponder options.  Thanks!

@gcor71 wrote:

hit a wall when trying to trigger passing the response back from Table 2 to Table 1.  My BOT doesn't trigger on the API response update in Table 2

It sounds that the API is changing data in table 2. And then you are expecting the BOT to fire. I believe this is equivalent to an external eventing. This means the table data is NOT changed through AppSheet app.  In that case I believe the bot will not trigger because the bot will trigger on external eventing when the user directly makes a data change. Please refer the following excerpt in the article referred below.

External eventing with Google Sheets - AppSheet Help




I'm confused because the problem seems to be about a bot that calls an API but none of the screenshots seem to be for an API call action.  If you have a bot that calls the API,  that same bot should give you the option of utilizing the return response in further actions within the bot.  Then, a additional action in the same bot could conditionally update table one.   

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