Bot to set location not working

Bronze 5
Bronze 5


I have a bot that is suppose to update location, The bot runs as expected however the action that is supposed to set location using HERE() clears the data.

I've checked the action on it's own and it does set location.

Does anyone have an idea what's wrong?



0 6 164

Bots are evaluated and executed on server.

So HERE() wouldn't make sense on that context.

When you need a new location to be updated? Because this will need to be executed on the users' devices via action, not Bot->Action

Figured that at last, however still looking for a solution to trigger an action on the device itself

You can make a Group action and add the one that adds the updated location in between.

There is a variety of ways to do it and it all boils down to your UX/UI and tables schema

I know, but all these solutions require user's intetraction with the app.

Thanks anyway

If you want some kind of 'live' gps info, it's not supported.

As far as I know AppSheet needs to be open to get that info


I'll do it with sequences of action instead as you've suggested

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