Bug: Cannot change colour of Action Overlay Icon

New Member

Hello community,
I cannot change colour of Action overlay icon to any other colour. Its just in colour of the theme selected in Branding. I think this is a bug as i have tried various permutations and combinations to make it work and it doesnt work in any of them. Is there any way i can colour my Action Overlay. Its very basic to change colour or format overlay. Am i doing something wrong or is there any other solution? Any business app wont look good if alerts are displayed in primary branding colour. For me, changing action to display prominently or inline is not an option. I seriously need to change this overlay icon colour. Any Suggestions?

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@marc_dillon Yes even i felt so that its a bug bcoz i tried to make it work in a number of ways but the bug seemed to be persistent. I wrote to support@appsheet.com.
Hope the issue resolves soon

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