Bug: Edit Google Calendar entry immediately after creating

When we add Google Calendar as a Data Source, we can add a new entry via AppSheet.
But if we edit this entry immediately after creating, we will get this error message:

Unable to update row in table 'Calendar'. โ†’ The service calendar has thrown an exception. HttpStatusCode is BadRequest. Bad Request: Message[Bad Request] Location[ - ] Reason[badRequest] Domain[global]

I've had an email conversation with @Joshua_Aldrich and @praveen back in 2021. Maybe you can find it with the topic "Google Kalender HTML formatting".

Joshua said: The issue looks like a race condition, where because the update is not in gcal when it tries to request the record to update it fails. This also seems like a front end problem in that it should update the local copy of the record then, when it can, update the remote version afterwards.

That's why you also cannot add a change data action to the form saved event as I explained in this video:
(Please ignore what I'm telling at the end of the video about automatically adding the meet link, because this is solved as explained here)

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