Bug Encountered: Workflow generates invalid links based on valid user content

This is an old problem which needs to be sorted out please - when you generate reports in html format, workflow creates invalid links based on the content in the report which the client anti-virus program identifies as a potential spam link eg. customer entered the following freeform text:


in a LONGTEXT field , - it assumed the period was part of a web address and this was converted to an http link

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@Anthony_Nel I might suggest you change the category to the Bugs category. It might get more attention by the AppSheet team there.

Category not found - already Tagged as bugs etc

@Anthony_Nel Sorry! You’re right. I was confused with Feature Requests. Still getting used to this new system.

Hi Anthony,

Based on your description, I tried the following:

  1. I create a Google worksheet having a field called “Comment”.
  2. AppSheet correctly inferred that “Comment” was a “Long Text” field.
  3. I created a workflow rule with an HTML template that included the “Comment” field.
  4. I used the AppSheet application to enter “9.am” in the “Comment” field.
  5. I saved my change which wrote the value to “Comment” cell in Google Sheets.
    6.The workflow rule was invoked.
  6. The field “Comment” appeared in the resulting HTML document as a simple text value.

I am not sure I fully understand what you are reporting, so forgive me if I misinterpreted what you wrote.

I was surprised that in Google Sheets, the cell value “9.am” was treated as a hyperlink. The same was true whether I saved the value via AppSheet or if I typed the value “9.am” directly into the Google Sheets cell.

The cell value was treated as a hyperlink even if I preceded the value I typed into the cell with a single quote. Preceding a value with a single quote signifies to Google Sheets that the following value should be treated as text.

I was able to overcome this behavior by selecting all of the cells in the “Comment” column, right clicking, and selecting “unlink”. This caused Google Sheets to display the cell values as text.

Spreadsheet products like Visicalc, Excel, and Google Sheets have a long tradition of trying to guess what type of values you enter and then formatting it automatically. That may be what is going on here.

Can you provide the exact steps to reproduce the problem?

Hi Phillip

Thanks for your detailed reply - I noticed it’s that is treating 9.am as a hyperlink …

That is pretty much what happens - in my case gsheets does not seem to see this as a link - however when make an html report it automagically becomes a hyperlink in the resulting mail.

Hope this helps


… that Gmail is treating 9.am as a hyperlink …

This community site is also treating it as a link.

IMPORTANT - Please DO NOT click the auto-generated link - it redirects you to a dodgy looking Macua online casino …

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