[Bug] - Filtering a Table View, inconsistant order

When you have a table view and click search then the filter button, the list of filterable items it shows is in the order they are on in the table.  Not the order they are in the view, or in the slice (if used).

2 5 93
  • UX

Yes, I have noticed that as well. 

@1minManager wrote:

the list of filterable items it shows is in the order they are on in the table

It's the way they are presented to the users as if they were using an Enum/EnumList Dropdown.
For example, if you add a suggested values or valid_if, you can change the way the data is presented on the filters zone. Same as if you change a Text field to Enum/EnumList you will be able to select the values inside the filter instead of writting what you look for

@SkrOYC wrote:

if you add a suggested values or valid_if, you can change the way the data is presented on the filters zone.

Have you tried this and got it to work?

I tried and it made no difference.   The values continue to be listed based on table row order.


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Have you tried this and got it to work?

Yes, I changed a lot of fields to have a list of options instead of just some "search" field on the filter view.



Yes, but as stated before, these option lists will show the values already selected in the order they appear in the table.    When you have a large table you will most certainly see a long list of options in the Filter area if there have been a lot of different entries.

The question is if there is a way to control the order of the Filter area options? 

As far as I can tell, they are not affected by any Suggested Values or Valid_If expressions.

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