Bug | Search bar ignoring locale


Search bar is ignoring the locale set for the device, sheet, and app tables, and seems to force interpretation only in US locale. 

This behavior is evident in searching for Date values; while the locale is set to dd/mm, the search bar interprets it as mm/dd, leading to erroneous or no search results. 

Here results are shown only if mm/dd is used, which doesn't match the locale's date format.



Upon using the user's locale, no results are shown. 



6 17 265

That's a good find!

I'm wondering whether AppSheet team would find this post. I seldom see their comments on Bug reports.

There hasn't been any guidance yet on handling bugs from a Commmunity perspective.

I think they do review the Community and @Steve tries to get their attention through escalating the items. 

But I think the best thing to do is submit them to the support email and highlight it in the Community as well so others here are made aware and can comment.  I usually reference the community post in my email to support.  All though, due to my busy schedule, I don't always get a message to support.

Thank you John! You are right, Iโ€™ll do both. 

Well in an afterthought ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™ll do both sequentially. First, the community post to gather info and confirm being a bug, then a support email referencing the post. 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


@Steve again, appreciated!

@Former Community MemberAfter the TEXT() fix,  would you please also consider this one? ๐Ÿ™‚

This is very annoying and confusing to users using a non-US or equivalent locale. Thank you!

Former Community Member
Not applicable

I'm working on this one. I should have it fixed in a few days, and then rolled out over the following week.

Former Community Member
Not applicable

Still working on it, was trickier than expected.

@Former Community Member oh you don't imagine how I agree with you; locales are not just tricky, it's pure evil in the code ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks much for your efforts Steve! Appreciated. 

Former Community Member
Not applicable

The code's in, we should deploy it tomorrow and roll it out over about a week.

Thanks much!!


@Former Community Member Thanks much. I'll be already relaying the good news to my complaining customers ๐Ÿ™‚

I'm not sure how would you do that, but while at it if possible, please try to review this date issue in the code in general. I believe this mismatch would be manifested in other parts of the app, not just the search bar. 

The app editor for example is nowhere reliable and behaves at will. Sometimes it displays the date interpreting the locale correctly, and sometimes it does not.  I guess, some backend servers behave differently than others, maybe. Thanks again!

Former Community Member
Not applicable

Unfortunate update here, it looks like my fix here caused performance problems in search, so we had to roll it back. I'm looking into fixes for that.

Thanks much Steve for the update and for taking up this request !

BTW, of course I have no information about AppSheet's code, but if it would help, generally speaking, I'd tackle such issue at the Client not at the Server side. Perhaps you are already doing this. 

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