Bug: Security filter violation?

I'm just so tired that I don't have time to explain all details.

I started receiving this for multiple apps/users


After checking, it doesn't have any circular reference so it shouldn't complain. Also it worked perfectly until a couple of days

@lizlynch @dbaum @Michelle 

7 60 1,752

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

This whole change is JUNK. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK.

yes Indeed.

But the problem such our voice is never reaching out to them..... 

The absolute perfect solutions for all the problems we currently have.

Google use AppSheet as their own solutions, before pushing it to the end customers. Those who use the tool daily know what it is and what the problem is going to be. If they do no use, then they do not have a capability what their own platform is. 

So they are senseless for any issue we USERs experiences, as they never feel such on their skin.


Dont ask Pizher or MODERNA to get the quick solutions.

I understand the best injection is to let the Google team to use AppSheet as their daily solutions to solve their own problem first. Then they organize a webiner to share what they experiences and how they utilize the AppSheet to solve their own and internal problem to guide the users.

That is absolutely right way to do the things.

If this will happen, I will stay awake to attend such an interesting webiners.


If anyone in Google team reading this thread, could you share your own experiences with AppSheet with us?  

How is the AppSheet used daily in Google office and how is AppSheet solve your business challenges?

I m very much curious to hear what you experiences and what your best practise is going to be with a jouney with AppSheet.


Before Google bought AppSheet, my impression was it was standard practice to require all new employees to create an app with AppSheet to address a need of the company. I provided assistance to at least one sales person and at least one support tech with their apps. There were several apps that were mission critical, it seemed to me.

It looks like your all of your efforts ended up with an vain.


I think two things about the new team managing AppSheet.

  1. They mostly don't care about the platform, just pleasing the one on top of them telling them what to do. So customers are not a priority in any means, maybe just the biggest ones, but just maybe.
  2. They didn't expect us to be freelancers using the platform, they just saw a way to improve "internal processes" for current GSuite/Workspace customers and to gather more clients to their GSuite/Workspace service, which is clearly an idea so inmensively wrong that I just don't think they will fix.

They should have left AppSheet as what it was, an amazing product. But Google is so arrogant that just blended it into their ecosystem thinking that they had a better idea and better products to care about leaving AppSheet as just an add-on.

I don't care if they make a service to then demolish it later, they do all the time, but buying a company with a faithfull community and customers involved into it to then just destroy it by burocracy and minimal-effort is something I cannot tolerate

Im 100% agree with you.

Furthermore, I share your complete frastration.  I know you do not want to mention such (like me, negative comments over the platform) with the platform, as we know the platformer will not feel it is positive. 

I m just proud of you to convery the words from your bottom of your heart.

Probably, I m one of the most aggressive (from Google prospective) personnels to post a comment here in this commununity.  But this is out of our full respects to the platform.

IF we have no interst, nobody will post any comment here in this community.

Throwing post (regardless they are positive or negative to the Google team), it is positive sign, as the users have at least "interest"

Withtout any interest, noboyd post any comment.

Im sure Google personnels not really "police" this community place. If they are, I should have been banned already, as my posting comments are always negative (oppose to what Google does).  The factual stuff that I m not banned by Google to post comments here, it is also obvious sign they are not checking this community routinely.

I know @SkrOYC you are bacically MS users. 

Before Google aquisition, anyone was treated equally, as AppSheet used to be ECO-sytem, not questionning about what your office suites.

But after aquisition, the things are getting complete Googlenized.  

If you does not have Google WS account, then no way you can buy AppSheet account. That s what Google sales says.

Then ask quesion who can we solve this lisence issues, then they go quiet.

Speak to Google directly. They have no idea to solve such type of issues. They may ask, "Ask our premier partner".  then question is who they are.

The problem we have is deep enough.




Very obvious and clear answer to my own question.

AppSheet team (google) never used AppSheet as "users" before", and even "Now".

Thats the reason they are not able to share our headache and our concerns over the platform.

If the app not working, Google never care as they never use them daily.

Probably my assumption could be right. (although I wish my assumtion is WRONG.)

@lizlynch @Arthur_Rallu @Sai1 @zito 

I'm tagging you because I know you have been responsive to the community forum in the past. I personally remain in the belief that the opinions of people here in the community, especially senior members who have years of experience building Apps, are  respected, appreciated and listened to by the Appsheet dev team. I know that others on this thread have lost that hope. 

Please do the right thing and listen to the users here, and show that our opinions and feedback do matter. These new security filter warnings are breaking the functionality of existing apps, while not providing any tangible benefit to the end user. 

As you know, the users on this forum represent your most loyal base of customers, who use your product every day in their professional and personal lives, and recommend it to others as well.


Thank You.

Oops! Came to a point users are begging to google. Any idea if we can tag @Sundar pichai or @larry page

Thanks for tagging me @EliK 
Getting familiar with the security filter issue at the moment. I'll get back here. 

Thank you very much @Arthur_Rallu  and @lizlynch   for your attention. Also you may want to consider the below suggestion I posted in the other post thread running on this issue in the community.


Here is the other post thread for your reference:

Getting security filter violations suddenly - Google Cloud Community



Thank you for flagging this. I wasn't aware of that other thread. 

@EliK wrote:

users on this forum represent your most loyal base of customers, who use your product every day in their professional and personal lives, and recommend it to others as well

I'm terrified by the fact that "your product" is not something we can tell them anymore as the product is not theirs.

As some wise man said:

...very few Googlers come into work thinking they serve a customer or user. They usually serve some process (“I’m responsible for reviewing privacy design”) or some technology (“I keep the CI/CD system working”). They serve their manager or their VP. They serve other employees. They will even serve some general Google technical or religious beliefs (“I am a code readability expert”, “I maintain the SWE ladder description document”). This is a closed world where almost everyone is working only for other Googlers, and the feedback loop is based on what your colleagues and managers think of your work. Working extra hard or extra smart doesn’t create any fundamental new value in such a world.

@Fabian_Weller wrote:

Hi @Sai1 we now also got in trouble with the change to the Security Filter you made. This is the scenario: 
In Security Filter we use the expression: [DateTime]>=TODAY()-10 to load only data from the last 10 days.
A user makes changes and closes the app before sync is done. (Of course a user should always wait until everything is synced, but you know that this happens.)
It's Friday and the next 2 weeks are holiday. After that the user opens the App. The App tries to sync but cannot. Because of "Security Filter Violation Detected".
It tries to sync an edit of a row that is no more available to the user.
How could we handle this?

@Arthur_Rallu thank you for looking into this. The problem if you have "Delayed sync" on: The sync queue will grow up and up. An average user will not take care of this.

In our case we had to delete about 70 syncs by clicking on "Reset Changes" in the Menu. There was no chance to get the app syncing these changes. Even "Recovery Mode" was not helping. Even deleting the security filter was not helping, because the app could not get the new app version because it could not sync. So we had to click on "Reset Changes". Just because of ONE change that didn't pass the security filter.

Hi all,
Giving an update here and letting people know we haven't dropped the issue.

So I think I understand the overall issue based on all your description. I can see how app users would be blocked even in valid use cases and how app creators would have little recourse. 
I wanted to repro that for myself because it seems pretty obvious, but then with 2-3 (simple) apps on 2 different types of accounts (an Enterprise account and a Free account), I'm not able to get an app that can repro the issues. I tried security filters like [owner]=USEREMAIL(), [completion date]<NOW()+"010:00:00", ISBLANK([deleted]) without success! I also checked that these accounts were not in the exclude list. So I'm probably missing something 😣

I've reached out to some of you privately to help me find a repro. If some of you had this issue in a consistent manner on your app, could you DM me so I can get a look at your app and make a copy (without the data) on a test account?


Ok I now have a consistent repro. 

Hi everyone, 

It took me a while, but here it is.
We’ve mostly “rolled back” this behavior change a couple of days ago. The vast majority of app creators should not need to worry about this any more. It’s not a complete rollback in that the engineering team is still working on this but will be taking a different approach. In addition, to avoid disrupting your business with future changes related to this work, we’ll keep the exclude list active. 

If app owners see this issue again (in the few cases where it might still happen), they should follow the current procedure to be added to the exclude list, but that should not happen often. 

Apologies for the disruption and thank you for your patience.

Thanks for the comments @Arthur_Rallu 

Now fix this one  PSA: Check Your Security | Someone NOT on the access list of a secure app fully used the app

No kidding. In my experience, it seems like accounts end up related when you just share cloud storage access

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