Bug for parent's inline view when use slice as data

Hi guys, 

PO DETAIL is child of PO

PO DETAIL's view type = Card list :

- When using the original data (not slice), then it's ok to show the PO DETAIL inline view in PO_Detail view as Card list


- But when using the slice, it's not show as Card list view any more, it shows gallery view even though I didn't change any view type. 



Solved Solved
0 3 46

Hi guys, 

I solved this by creating 1 more ref card list view using the original data (not slice). 

View solution in original post

This is actually a feature, not a bug.

By treating slices and tables as separate entities (in regards to views) we can design specific view configurations for the slice data vs. the root table data.

  • This can be helpful when certain information is helpful to see in certain situations.

Think:  I can have a special deck view for the "Active Orders" where we've got special inline buttons for handling various actions and events for the order, and maybe some swipe actions for status modifications.

  • And these would only be there for the Active orders, your root table view could be configured differently. ๐Ÿ’ช

View solution in original post


Hi guys, 

I solved this by creating 1 more ref card list view using the original data (not slice). 

This is actually a feature, not a bug.

By treating slices and tables as separate entities (in regards to views) we can design specific view configurations for the slice data vs. the root table data.

  • This can be helpful when certain information is helpful to see in certain situations.

Think:  I can have a special deck view for the "Active Orders" where we've got special inline buttons for handling various actions and events for the order, and maybe some swipe actions for status modifications.

  • And these would only be there for the Active orders, your root table view could be configured differently. ๐Ÿ’ช

Thank you MultiTech for detail explaining it .

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