I want that if I accidentally select wrong in the channel, then an error message should appear. And there should be no entry.


0 12 131

Set a logic in Valid-if of the Channel column

@TeeSee1 Can you write the expression?

I cannot unless you explain how you identify wrong selection.

Cahnne code to channel, I have given the start codes of some Cahnne codes. Look in the image above. 

Some of the following, or similar, functions can likely help you craft the expression you need:

Instead of validating user input for the Channel column, consider simply calculating it using an App formula expression.


I completely support what @dbaum suggests!

I do not know how to make expressions. You can give me an expression. 

Here's a draft starting point.

IFS(LEFT([AWB NO], 5) = "LPD21", "NDTVS"), 

Hi @dbaum 

I completely agree with you. But it would be better to have a direct Google sheet instead of setting the start value inside the manual expression. 

I want to put it under the reference sheet.

That's a great idea. If that's what you're seeking help with, here's an outline.

  • In the table whose data is the source for the view in your original post's "form example" screenshot, add a [CAHNNE CODE] column with an App formula expression that derives the necessary value from the [AWB NO] column, e.g., LEFT([AWB NO], 5).
  • Make that column a Ref type column that references the CAHNNE BOTS table from your original post's "sheet" screenshot.
  • In the CAHNNE BOTS table, make the [CAHNNE CODE] the key column.
  • In the table with the [AWB NO] column, use a dereference expression as the App formula expression for the [CHANNEL] column: [CAHNNE CODE].[CHANNEL].

Error Massage Function 

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