CONCATENATE Bug Encountered:

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The dollar sign $ is missing on display. Is it this the bug for CONCATENATE?

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Hi @dev_bc It looks like your column is text, not Price. does that make any difference?

Hi Lynn,

Ya, is text. Can the dollar sign $ in text form? because this column tight with text condition.

Not sure why that is not working for you.

Could be bug?

Hi @dev_bc I just did some testing and it seems to work ok for me. My spreadsheet col is text and app col long text. The concat is including the $ sign ok.

@dev_bc I tested your formula as well and itโ€™s working fine.

New Member

Dear @Lynn Lynn & @Aleksi

Ok, previous question the formula is apply at Actions (Data: set the value of a column).

Letโ€™s try the basic. Now we try to see the result the formula is apply at own column (App formula). You can see the result when after edit the column data show correctly while app is loading. After loading is done the $ is gone.

The column type is Long Text.

If i try using Virtual Column. It work fine.

Try wrapping your expression with TEXT().

Hi @Steve

Now i change the data type for Saving Account and Withdraw to Text. It show the above error.

I think the error said that โ€œSaving Accountโ€ is in text. Canโ€™t do math formula

  1. [Saving Account] > 49
  2. [Saving Account] - 30

Is it this the try you wanted me to do?

If your [Saving Account] is text; then you shall make the evaluation like this:

IF(NUMBER([Saving Account]) > 49, CONCATENATE("$",NUMBER([Saving Acount])-30),"<$50")

New Member

Hi @LeventK

Actually the [Saving Account] is price. For testing advise by @Steve i change the type to Text.

After add the Number([Saving Account]) the error message is gone. But the result still the same

I found that if i add a apostrophe ( โ€™ ) before the dollar sign.
IF(NUMBER([Saving Account]) > 49, CONCATENATE("โ€™$",NUMBER([Saving Account])-30), โ€œ<$50โ€)


Seems like this is work around method. In the spreadsheet it show the dollar sign just it canโ€™t show in the app.

Please can you verify is it this the bug?

If your [Saving Account] is price type than you should construct the expression like this as @Steve had already proposed:

IF([Saving Account]) > 49, TEXT([Saving Acount]-30),"<$50")

This will do the trick


Ok, i change the [Saving Account] to price type.

Do you mean the code is
IF([Saving Account] > 49, TEXT(CONCATENATE("$",[Saving Account]-30)), โ€œ<$50โ€)

The dollar sign will gone after the loading is done.

Change your [Saving Account] columnโ€™s type back to Price and use below expression as I have given above:

IF([Saving Account] > 49, TEXT([Saving Acount]-30),"<$50")


Problem still remain the same. After loading the $ is gone.

Can you try with:

IF([Saving Account] > 49, CONCATENATE([Saving Acount]-30),"<$50")


IF([Saving Account] > 49, CONCATENATE([Saving Acount]-30),"<$50")

Following is the result:

In the edit page it didnโ€™t show the $ as well.

This code canโ€™t show the $ since at edit page.

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